Lyme disease, also known as Lyme borreliosis, is an emerging infectious disease caused by bacteria received from the bite of black-legged ticks. These bacteria are called Borrelia Burgdorferi, named after the scientist who discovered them, and is carried by the ticks that have bitten other animals with Lyme disease.

The disease was first reported in 1975 in the city of Old Lyme, Connecticut. It remains a disease most commonly found in Northeastern and North-central states, such as Virginia, Maine, or Minnesota. It has also appeared in Southern and Western states as well. It remains a controversial medical subject, due to many doctor’s belief that its effects have a mental origin.
The highest risk factors of Lyme disease are doing outdoor activities like gardening or hunting in areas known to get it, or having a pet that could carry ticks home with them. Usually, ticks must have been attached to your body for at least a day or two to allow the bacteria to infect the bloodstream. In most cases, due to their extremely small size, those who are bit by a tick never see it or feel any pain, unless the effects of Lyme disease begin.
The usual symptoms include fever, chills, headaches, muscle pain, a stiff neck, and a body-wide itching. A “bull’s eye” or “butterfly” rash may appear in the affected area, a flat or slightly raised red spot that can expand to a rather large size. These are the signs of Stage 1 or localized Lyme disease. Stage 2, disseminated Lyme disease will usually only occur if former symptoms go untreated. This stage starts a spread of the bacteria through the body, can last for many weeks and causes paralysis or swelling in affected muscles. Stage 3 or late disseminated Lyme disease is when the bacteria have spread throughout the entire body. Its results can last for months or even years and can cause extreme muscle pain and weakness.
If you are suffering from Lyme disease and it has forced you to go without work, you may be eligible for long-term disability insurance benefits (if you or your employer has LTD coverage, of course). If an insurance company has wrongfully denied or terminated your long-term disability benefits, contact experienced disability lawyer Nick Ortiz at (888) 321 8131 for assistance in filing an appeal or a lawsuit.