Long term disability insurance provides financial support to individuals who cannot work due to a disability. This type of insurance pays out a percentage of your pre-disability earnings to help maintain your quality of life. However, many people wonder whether they can continue to collect long term disability (LTD) benefits while returning to work in a different occupation.
First and foremost, whether you can (or should) return to work is something you should go over with your doctor. That is more of a medical determination than a legal question.
That being said, the short answer is that whether one can continue to draw LTD benefits largely depends on the specific terms and conditions of one’s long term disability insurance policy.
Some policies may allow a claimant to work in a different occupation while collecting disability payments, while others may not. Some policies may even offer a return to work incentive.
If your policy allows you to work while receiving LTD payments, you may have to report your income to the insurer. The insurance company may then adjust your disability payments based on the amount of income you earn from your new job. There may be limits on the amount you can earn or whether you can work full-time or part-time.
If your policy does not allow you to work while receiving payments, your disability claim will be terminated. Your insurance company may view your ability to work in a different occupation as evidence that you are no longer disabled. This means that you are no longer eligible for a monthly benefit.
The specific terms of your policy determine whether you can work in a different occupation while collecting benefits. If you are unsure, you can consult with a long term disability attorney or contact your insurance provider to clarify.
In summary, whether you can work in a different occupation while collecting long term disability benefits depends on your policy. It is important to review your policy carefully and consult with a professional if you have any questions or concerns.